Sunday 12 July 2020

Recipe: Mango Sago Dessert

Recipe: Mango Sago Dessert
Mangoes are in abundance now in supermarkets, so we've been having it pretty often. Mango sticky rice, mango in our breakfast bowls and mango sago dessert are just some of our favourite ways of eating them.

I've posted a similar recipe for this in 2012, however this is a much simplified version made with ONLY 3 ingredients. The mangoes are so sweet these days, I find that you do not even need to add sugar to your dessert. Simply place the mango, ice cubes and coconut milk in blender and puree to a smooth consistency. The dessert is then topped with chilled sago pearls, mango cubes and garnished with some mint leaves. You can serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, if you're feeling extra indulgent.

Mango sago dessert

Mango Sago Dessert
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10-12 minutes
Serves 4

1 large mango, peeled and cubed (about 1 kg)
6 ice cubes
200ml coconut milk
50g sago
Mint leaves, for garnish (optional)

1. To cook the sago pearls, place them in a medium saucepan with cold water and bring to the boil. Then, lower to medium low heat and simmer until the sago pearls turn translucent, about 8-10 minutes. Remove with a fine sieve and hold sieve under running tap water to cool cooked sago and separate any clumps. Drain and set aside.Chill in fridge until required.

2. In a blender, add 2/3 of the mango cubes, ice cubes and coconut milk and blend until you get a smooth puree. 

3. Divide the mango puree into 4 serving bowls. Divide the sago into four and place in the centre of the bowl. Top with the rest of the cubed mango and garnish with mint leaves. Serve chilled.

Mango sago dessert
Mango sago dessert Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert  Mango sago dessert 
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