Monday 23 July 2018

Happen Bakers: Lilah DeBoer

Happen Bakers: Lilah DeBoer

It's time for a new Happen Bakers, and this time I'm featuring my cousin Lilah!

Lilah DeBoer (and some trivia for you: DeBoer is my middle name) is a 12 year-old girl about to enter 7th grade in Olympia, Washington.  Her parents, my cousins Trent and Betsy, are no strangers to cooking and baking.  In fact Lilah's grandmother, my Aunt Pam, has always been a culinary inspiration of mine, and it's evident that Lilah has inherited similar passions from her family.  We live far away, but I've watched her love of baking in particular grow through photos and social media (legit can't remember what life was like before Instagram).  What began as helping her mom pour and stir quickly transformed into Lilah taking over, and just the other day she whipped up some Lemon Rosemary Sandwich Cookies with a mascarpone curd filling like a boss.  A BOSS!  (Do I sound old and nerdy when I say that?  Somewhere my son is rolling his eyes.)

For this Happen Bakers blog, she made a Strawberry Shortcake, and below you can learn a little more about her.  Watching Lilah over the years mature into a young female with strong goals has inspired me.  I hope that she, and all the "Happen Bakers" out there, motivate you as well to continue cultivating your own passions.  Make it happen, ladies!    

Recipe for these Triple Strawberry Shortcakes HERE.  

When did you start baking?

I've been helping my mom in the kitchen since I was three but I started to really get involved when I was seven.  At seven I started cooking on my own and I feel like that's when I got inspired from the cooking show MasterChef Junior which I am hoping to audition for.  When I saw kids around my age making advanced dishes I thought, why can't I try that too?

How did you learn?

I learned from helping my mom and dad and observing how they cooked, then caught on and started to do it myself.  

What do you love most about it?

I love baking for many reasons, but what I find most exciting about it is the finished piece.  After all the hard work in the kitchen it's always amazing to see the final thing and especially eat it!  

What's the most challenging thing you've attempted?

One of the most challenging things I've baked is probably my lemon tart.  To make your lemon curd and have your tart crust be on point sometimes is pretty stressful.  I also find that having several things going at once can get me all tied up. 

What's your dream dessert?

My dream dessert is creme brûlée.  I like this dish a lot because it reminds me of family.  I make creme brûlée every time I visit my Grandpa.  We visit mostly during the holidays so I'm always surrounded by my family and friends, making creme brûlée for all.  Another reason why I love it is because of the flavor and the two textures: creamy on the inside and crunchy on the top. 

Name 3 celebrities you'd like to bake with...

1. Christina Tosi because I've seen her on MasterChef Junior and I look up to her as a baker.
2. Gordan Ramsay because I could learn many new skills in the kitchen.
3. Julia Child because she was a trailblazer for women and chefs. 

Most epic kitchen fail?

I made cupcakes from this one recipe and they exploded in the oven and the frosting turned out tasting really bad.  I was so embarrassed to serve them to my parents but now I look back on that day and laugh about it!

Any favorite songs you listen to in the kitchen?

The entire La La Land soundtrack, I love the movie and the songs and it just makes me feel even more excited to bake.  

Favorite food site or YouTube channel?

Food Network.  I've found so many amazing recipes from there and they've turned out to be great.  I also like the tiny food videos, I find those fun and interesting to watch!

When you're not baking, you are...

When I'm not baking I'm mainly outdoors hiking or backpacking.  I love to ride horses and have been taking lessons.  I also love to go kayaking with my dog Pella swimming along side me, or sometimes just chilling at home on our deck.  

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself finishing up culinary school and ready to open a restaurant of my own.  I also see myself living on my own farm with lots of horses to ride.

Thank you Lilah for inspiring us!  
Stay tuned for a new Happen Bakers next month...


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