Friday 4 March 2016

Baked Zucchini Chips

After making these Brussels Sprout Chips the other day, I've been craving other healthy snack options (don't worry, friends, my next post later today is about BUTTER).  I've fried veggie chips before but I wanted to see how baking them would work, so I followed this tutorial and made some Baked Zucchini Chips.  They were deliciously light and crispy, however, one large zucchini does not yield very many chips, so I would make more next time.  I also think I set my mandolin setting too thin - on '2', next time I'll go up to '3' because I'm crazy like that.  Mmm, just looking at this picture makes me want more.  Also I want to dip them in tzatziki sauce (just try spelling that word without Google).   


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