Tuesday 8 March 2016

Minnesota Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup

If someone asks me where I'm from, I always say Minnesota.  Technically, I was born in California, and then I spent a big chunk of time in Connecticut before moving to the Midwest when I was 9 years old.  I lived in Minnesota until I graduated high school and never moved back, not even 10 years spent there and yet, I still feel like that's where I'm "from."  Sometimes I wonder why that is?  Is it because most of my concrete memories are from that time?  Or because I formed so many close friendships that are still strong today?  Maybe it's because I called soda "pop" for many years, or because I still crave Bruegger's Bagels even though I can get a true east coast one whenever I want.  Or is it because my mom still lives there, in the same house we grew up in?  (Even though she's slooooowly spring cleaning, packing up, and asking us if we want Dumbo on VHS.) 

It's probably all of those things and more... so whenever something is associated with Minnesota, I feel a certain alliance with it, like this recipe.  Oh, a Minnesota Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup?  Well, I'm FROM THERE, so I need to make it.  Also, I will make anything with caramelized mushrooms and heavy cream.  This was SO GOOD.  Rich, creamy, hearty... proving us Minnesotans know how to eat.  I mean, we fry Snickers bars and put them on a stick and sell them at our state fair, duh.  


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